
David's Recovery

David was rescued a few weeks ago in Murcia with another greyhound called Pilar. Both needed a surgery urgently because David had one of his front legs broken and Pilar, her hip.
Today, we are going to talk about the recovery of David. Thanks to the speed with which he was taken to the vet and the work of their caretakers, David is improving. Already gaining strength in his leg, he can already put weight on it and every day his walking is getting better. He is recovering very quickly and for every passing day he is a more loving and happy dog. Going through a surgery like this is not easy, especially after a hard life he has had to endure, but this beautiful greyhound is very strong and is eager to resume with a normal life, at a loving home. In no time, David will be ready to meet his new housemates, so we need to strive together to find a home for him.
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