Today we have good news for you. A few days ago we informed you about a
group of dogs we rescued lately that came to Scooby with broken paws. Again we
asked for your solidarity to make their costly treatment possible. Once more
our President Fermín, together with all the workers and volunteers got
everything going to find collaborators. Amongst others we got into contact with
the "Centro Veterinario Mediterráneo" that is located in Madrid. And
once again they offered us their help. They will do the operations on the dogs
and Scooby has to pay for the implants (plates and screws) only.
You can´t imagine how grateful we are to the whole team of the "Centro
Veterinario Mediterráneo". They gave these dogs a new opportunity, which
is very imrpessive for us. We would like to also thank all the others for their
commitment and support, for example by sharing the post. Without you nothing
would be possible. Thank you so much!