
The empty box

The story begins many years ago when a man punished his little daughter for having lost a pricey item. That times they didn´t have a lot of money.

It was at Christmas time and the following day the child handed over a present to the father with the words: "This is for you"

The father at first was quite embarrassed but when he noticed the box was empty he became angry. In a harsh voice he said. "Don´t you know that if you make a gift there should be something in it?"

The girl looked at him with her eyes full of tears and replied: There is something in there, the box is full of my kisses for you."

The father felt ashamed, went to his knees, embraced the child and asked for forgiveness.

From now on he always kept the box beside his bed and whenever he didn´t feel good or needed courage he opened the box and took out a kiss.

There is nothing more important to owe!

We wish all of you, our friends, such a box full of love and kisses from your kids, family, friends or pets and we wish you a