
Shops donating to Scooby.

We want to thank all those establishments that continuously think of our pets at Scooby and give us bread, cheese and fruit to profit the food that costs us so much to get.
In this moment, more than ever, we need help, collaboration and solidarity of people. We get more and more animals every day so, food last in shelter less and less.
Our stock of food is lowering quickly and alarmingly with the increasing population in Scooby so  donation of these products is a big relief.
We want to encourage all institutions to join and support Scooby and, of course, we want to show openly those who anonymously are saving us: we should pay special tribute to the bakery Raul de Rueda, who gives us bread 2 or 3 times a week, you are wonderful!!
We also received invaluable help from Obrador Castellano in Laguna del Duero, La Gloria of Polígono de San Cristobal,  Bakery Santovenia de Pisuerga, cheese factory "Mamá Vaca" and  "Fruits Eloy" of Medina del Campo.
All our dogs for adoption, greyhounds and mixes, our cats and all the animals of Sanctuary will give thanks to you!!!