
Our foundlings Mickey and Mouse

When Marcos, one of our workers, arrived at Scooby yesterday morning he found a soaked cardboard box next to Fermín’s car. He was about to throw it away with the rest of the building materials but then all of a sudden two little black galgo boys were looking at him from within the box with heartmelting big eyes, apparently having spent the whole night in that box.  Again someone had delivered his pups at the Scooby entrance. In a stormy night with thunderstorms at that, so the two of them were first taken into the Scooby office to warm up in a comfy bed. They were absolutely thrilled about their new sleeping quarters and didn’t even want to leave anymore. Probably they slept in such a soft bed for the first time in their young lives.

Of course working was very hard yesterday, since we just couldn’t keep ourselves from looking at our two new office workers – they were just too cute!

Our foundlings are now called Mickey and Mouse, they have moved into the new puppy home and are waiting for a family to take them home soon, never to give them away again.