Javi is one of
our male foals with cryptorquidism. The procedure to neuter him was too
expensive and we couldn't afford it. We tried to raise funds for it a few times
but to no avail... His life was extremely boring and lonely, as he had to live
in a small patio away from the rest so he wouldn't fight with the males or get
the females pregnant. But his luck changed when a guardian angel called Pam
turned up in Medina del Campo and donated the funds needed for his operation.
Thanks to her, he is now enjoying his life and freedom in a huge green field! Thank you! Happy neighs, Fermín.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYqoYZ1_iUs&feature=youtu.be
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYqoYZ1_iUs&feature=youtu.be