
My heart breaks

I never wanted to have to tell you what I am going to tell you, but I simply have to: Lillyfee is no longer with us, she took the last train towards a place where trains don’t kill you, where us humans are not bosses but mates, a place I don’t know it it exists, but if it does, it is where Lillyfee is now. As a result of being hit by the train, all the skin on one side of our poor dog was necrotic and when Enrique started cleaning her we found that from the midpart to the backpart, all of her skin was necrotic and we would have to remove it, and then we decided that given the slim chances of survival with all her problems, the best for her was not to wake her up and let her go by giving her a little more anestethic. And that is what we did, thinking only of her wellbeing, the truth is that it always hurts me to have to euthanize an animal but with Lillifee it even felt worse. I know it sounds stupid but I had rescued her and I felt more bonded to her than to other animals. She was great and kind with all the pain she must have had and she never complained, she loved chicken and wagged her tail to show her thanks. So, a very sad day for all of us that make the Scooby family and like I always say: another animal that has gone so my friend Maribel Mirinigo can take care of them the way she knows how.
I know there are people that have brought in funds for her operation and since we never had the chance to operate her, so we either give this money back or we use it for the operations on Branko or Timmy. Branko we picked up today and his hip has to be relocated, and Timmy needs an operation  on his ligaments, so whatever you want. If you want us to return the money, please send us an email and we will be happy to oblige. 
With sad greetings, Fermin
P.s. if you are easily upset, please do not look at the pictures.