Hoover has
travelled recently to Mazarrón area, in Murcia, to collect 27 dogs, mainly
podencos and greyhounds. Murcia is a Spanish region where the galgueros and
hunters` brutality is unbelievable.
Some of
them are in a terrible condition; like this adorable brindle male galgo that is
‘skin and bones’ and suffers from
Leishmania, and the black female galga that lacks a paw ... Both are in
Fermin´s place until they become stronger and ready for adoption.
This season
the abandonment has been quite high in Castilla y Leon so we have only been
able to pick up dogs in the south of Spain twice; in January in Cadiz and now
in Murcia. For now on and until our economic situation improves, we will not be
able to rescue more ... Would you like to support our work? Please donate now: http://bit.ly/2donat or Join the teaming for only 1
€/month: http://bit.ly/2teaming