her. We just could put water and food
around the places where she was, and it was like that for more than a year.
Three weeks ago we got a warning: someone
had found Bubby almost dead.
Bubby was pregnant. A couple of days later
on "Kiss Day",her puppies
were born. Only two of them survived, Bubby
had a terrible infection and it caused the death of the third one.
and to learn her to trust us.
Now Bubby and her babbies are perfect, and
they are ready to be
adopted. Muxu (girl) and Bakio (boy) are 3
weeks old.
Bubby is 10- 12 years old, she is a lovely
dog, she just wants hugs
and dreams. We are looking a home where she
can spends the rest of
her live, and know what love is.