

Curru is a 9 month old dog. His owner was an elderly person who was neither married nor had any children, so he and Curru were each others family and best friends. One morning, Curru went to wake his friend up but something wasn't right: his owner was ill and could not move. That very same day, Curru witnessed neighbours accompanied by doctors and police come into the house and take his friend. He was left alone in the garden for days, even weeks, waiting for his owner to come back, but he didn't... A neighbour left him food and water in the garden until he was finally taken to Scooby, where he is currently. He doesn't understand what has happened, why his friend never came back  or why he was taken from his home.
He needs a new family who will love him like his friend used to, who  will take care of him and who'll never leave him alone again.

*Please help us continue helping them*. *Donate now! Kisses, gentle  nibbles and licks from the Scooby team and the animals.*