president of the Sociedad Protectora de Animales Scooby in Medina, Fermín Pérez Martín, on the morning
of july 16th, signed an agreement of cooperation with the city council of
Medina del Campo in order to take part in a
practical training for 2 young people from different courses at Aula
initiative, launched this year by the council of the city, has the objective of
having all 22 people that have participated in
the various courses in Aula Mentor throughout the year, to be able to
implement their knowledge in real cases.
A total of
18 companies, one of them being the Scooby organisation, have agreed to work
with this inventive initiative, offering their services.
I want to apologize
Yes you
heard it correctly, I would like to apologize for a lot of things and because there are so many things, I
will come to the point because there is so little time; today I want to
apologize to everybody who came to our open house day, it was just too hot and
we should have organized it later, the truth is that nobody thought it was
going to be so hot that day but it was. The next time we are going to do that,
the 28th of July, we will do it at around 7.30 pm so it will be a
little cooler.
I want to
apologize too for having so many things on my mind, and forgetting things, yes,
I do start forgetting things, it might be old age or that nothing else fits
into my brain anymore, so if it concerned you, please remind me because my
brain seems to be limited.
I want to
apologize for having a job, which makes that I have to dedicate part of my time
to try and get bread on the table instead of spending it all with Scooby, the
truth is that my boss thinks I already spend too much time at Scooby but since
she is not going to read this article, we better might leave it at this.
And if this
isn’t enough, when I have holidays I would also like to go travelling and see
the world, and most of the times without animals, yes, I declare that I am
guilty of having another life... what are we going to do about that, it is not
healthy to be only thinking of the animals and therefore when summer arrives I
would like to go to beaches, cathedrals, castles and other samples of artwork,
so that sometimes I don’t have the time to write items for the website, or,
what is completely inexcusable and I am ashamed of it, I don’t have the time to
respond to emails or whats-apps ... I am just receiving so many of them and
though I try to answer them all, sometimes I miss one, so what you need to do
then, instead of getting angry and thinking I don’t value you or am ignoring
you, is to send it again and if I haven’t answered your first message, I will
certainly respond to your third one. It could happen, and it does, that your
email hasn’t reached me or has entered in my spam box and I honestly do not
check the spam box , I am also apologizing for that and for not having the time
to start looking in my trash, so please resend the email and I will answer you,
and if not you will have to send me a third one and maybe send a copy to one of the other Scooby members (on our
website there are several email addresses for volunteers and co-workers) until
you get an answer.
I would
also like to apologize for the Facebook page that I have not done anything with
lately, what do you want me to say, I don’t really feel like posting my private life on it, first because I don’t have any and if I did, the
name private already says it all, I will try to be there more often but I can’t
promise you anything.
I realize
that I have written this but I am sure that a lot of people that are part of
Scooby could have written the same thing, and lastly, for the moment, I would
like to apologize to all the friends that I have spend too little time with
when they needed my attention, due to whatever small crisis that came up at
Scooby, if you are my friend I do know you will excuse me.
hugs and loving licks, Fermin
Open Days at the premises of Scooby Medina
On June 30th Scooby Medina opened its doors
for the first time in one of the Open Days to be carried out throughout the
year on the last Sunday of each month.
Despite the sweltering heat, one hundred people were present that day. We thank
them all for being there and for their willingness. It was an unforgettable
evening, where laughter, good humor and the love for animals were the frame at
all times.
Fermin, as host of the day, showed every corner of Scooby
to the participants, who were very impressed at the improvement of our
facilities and at the number of animals we gather at the shelter, and because
of this it became apparent the need for assistance of any kind in order to keep
in good conditions our installations as well as our animals.
The visit began at the facilities of our clinic, the
audiovisual room, and the administrative office, to continue with the
quarantine room, the warehouse and the different yards where found dogs live.
The visit continued in the area for the sheep, goats, pigs, horses and donkeys,
where attendees could interact with the latter feeding them. Finally Fermin
showed them the lagoon area with our birds and the area of cats, raccoons,
and puppies. Some of the young people had the opportunity to feed one of our
last “tenants”: a stork.
After almost two hour visit, the meeting ended with a
snack and a soda at the store, where the work of Scooby and the help that is
still needed to keep fulfilling our goals was highlighted.
Several of the participants in this meeting have become
volunteers Scooby Medina, showing their love for animals, and helping every day
in the work that is required. To them and all attendees, thanks for your
The open days will continue on the last Sunday of each
month during the months of July, August and September, from 19.30 to 21.30
hours and from October to April, from 12:00 to 14:00.
count on you for our next meeting on July 28 at 19.30.
A pioneer initiative in the country for the first time stated in the bidding
process the sacrifice zero request, i.e. none of the dogs that are picked will
be sacrificed even in the not taken for adoption scenario. Scooby has signed a
three-year contract that guarantees the collection of dogs that are abandoned
in rural areas and the compromise to provide a home.
The new facilities of the humane society are located in Valcabado, on 360 lot
Camino de la Rodera, at a left turn from Cubillos road.